Six Rotary Clubs in District 5710 collaborate on a District Grant
 Often victims and survivors of human trafficking lack the clothing, caps and gloves they need to keep warm on these cold winter days. The Rotary Clubs of Lenexa, Leawood, Shawnee Mission, CAAHT, Topeka South, and Manhattan combined efforts on a District Grant project to make 160 Rotary Cares Winter kits for victims of human trafficking. The total grant was $10,000. Each kit contained a hoodie, sweatpants, stocking cap, scarf, gloves, socks, blanket, hand warmers, mylar blanket, deodorant, chap stick, and protein bars. Rotarians met during November and December and assembled kits at sites in Topeka, Shawnee Mission, and Manhattan. The Rotary Cares kits were then distributed to nonprofit agencies.
RC of CAAHT and Topeka South packed 56 kits and distributed them to the YWCA Day Center and the Intersection to care (ITC) Program in Topeka.